Strategic plan

In 2023, prospects for the economy is worsening and demand on services is becoming even greater and more intense.

The more our residents struggle, the greater the demand for council services and support. The pressures of inflation and potential for further government cuts, make those services more expensive to deliver.

We have adopted a new strategic plan for 2022 to 2026 that responds to these challenges. The plan identifies the:

  • main commitments
  • ways we will change and work differently
  • partnerships we need and the way we want to work more closely with residents

We know that we need to prepare to adapt the plan as we face yet greater challenges. At the same time keeping focused on the key outcomes we want to keep focused on and the key commitments we want to deliver.

The Strategic plan 2022 to 2026 replaces the last corporate plan which was last refreshed in 2020, with a final update reported to cabinet in February 2022.

View Strategic plan summary (PDF 28.8mb).

View Strategic plan – working together for a better Hackney 2022 to 2026 (google doc).

View Strategic plan – update on progress 2023 (google doc).

View Refresh of corporate plan 2020 to 2022 (google doc).

View Corporate plan final update February 2022 (google doc).

Page updated on: 20 May 2024