Cremer Street low traffic neighbourhood

In 2021, we introduced a trial traffic filter in Cremer Street to:

  • create cleaner, quieter streets
  • support people to walk, shop and cycle
  • rebuild a greener after the pandemic

The traffic filter uses planters in the road to restrict through traffic – allowing only cyclists, waste and emergency vehicles to pass through.


Making the traffic filter permanent

After considering the comments made by residents, alongside local traffic data, we have made the decision to retain the Cremer Street traffic filter. We will continue to monitor the effects of the filter and listen to feedback about the scheme. You can email comments to:

View the delegated powers decision report (PDF 6.5mb)

Traffic and air quality analysis

Analysis of traffic and air quality data since the filter was introduced shows that: 

  • following the introduction of the Cremer Street traffic filter, traffic reduced overall by 80% on Cremer Street
  • while there are no air quality monitors on Cremer Street, the nearest monitoring locations – at 154 Kingsland Road and in Old Street – fall within the national air quality objective for nitrogen dioxide of 40μg/m3 – at 29μg/m3 and 36μg/m3 respectively

Visit Air quality in Hackney to view air quality monitoring maps.

We have also carried out a comprehensive equalities impact assessment, looking at the impact of low traffic neighbourhoods on groups with protected characteristics, such as race, gender or disability.

Commonplace responses

Throughout the trial, we encouraged people to respond to our Commonplace page, which was used to identify issues with the LTN and make changes where appropriate.

  • 453 responses were received on our Commonplace page
  • 40% of respondents who provided a postcode were from the local area (E2)
  • overall, 34% of responses said the filter should be made permanent and 64% said the filter should not be made permanent
  • in the local area (E2), 44% said the filter should be made permanent and 53% said it should not
  • among non-motorists, who make up 70% of Hackney households, 61% said the measures should be made permanent
Page updated on: 25 November 2022